What we do

Through collaborative efforts with partners from a range of sectors – including cultural, artistic, academic, health, social, care, educational, and governmental domains – we proactively promote ‘artful care’ and ‘caring art’.

We do not rely on fixed formulas, but instead, leverage our expertise across three pillars.


We have a broad knowledge and network of contemporary artists, spanning various art forms and aesthetics (such as performing arts, performance art, live art, socially engaged art, participatory art, encounter art, relational aesthetics and care aesthetics), all of which engage with the topic and practice of care, often blurring the boundaries between Art and Daily Life. We have all the necessary expertise to successfully bring art projects to fruition, including grant writing, budget management, production, presenting/touring, communication and administration.



Drawing on our vast experience in cross-disciplinary collaboration and our expertise in facilitating caring, inclusive encounters and conversations through various techniques and processes (such as Artful Thinking, Visual Thinking Strategies, Transformative Thinking, Deep Democracy, Holding Space,…), we are dedicated to carefully craft spaces that welcome diverse perspectives, voices, and experiences, and that encourage deep listening, reflection, and meaningful exchange in every step and aspect of the initiatives we engage in.

A critical perspective

We have a thorough understanding of current discussions and developments in academic research domains related to ‘caring art’ and ‘artful care’ (including feminist care ethics, performing arts, socially engaged art, arts, health & well-being, social palliative care, compassionate communities,…). We bring a critical perspective and are committed to questioning assumptions, exploring alternative viewpoints, and understanding the social and political structures and implications of dominant tendencies and narratives in art-care research and practice.

Some examples of what we (can) do:

IN/FINITY project © rasa alksnyte

For and with health, care & social environments

– Consultation and project development for health, care, and social organisations that aim to integrate art into their facilities or offer meaningful artistic experiences to their end-users.

– Proposing artistic activities for caregivers that promote their mental well-being and cultivate their soft skills, such as listening, observation, and empathy. 

– Training of health, care and social workers in conducting ‘artful conversations’. 

For and with art organisations
and artists

– Consulting and supporting artists and art institutions looking to forge cross- or trans-disciplinary collaborations with local healthcare facilities.

– Project development and training of front-end collaborators, guides, and educators of museums to create an inclusive museum environment that welcomes all visitors, including those with special vulnerabilities or needs, with sensitivity and respect.

– Research and dramaturgy for artistic productions with an orientation towards care, as well as management services, including production and touring outside of the traditional art circuit. 

– Conducting and writing research reports on art-care projects, topics and intersections.

– Strategic research-based consultancy for policy and practice.

– Writing contributions for popular, specialised and academic media.

– Organising and participating in public debates and scientific conferences.

– Curating and developing art programs (such as exhibitions, workshops, or educational programs) for academic partners or environments. 

Research activities in & beyond academia