Vrije Universiteit Brussel, University Hospital Brussels, TOPAZ palliative and supportive daycare centre.

Curatorship of an artist residency project (including grant writing, project and budget management, facilitation, communication, and production).


Over the course of three years, IN/FINITY invited 10 contemporary artists working in various mediums (literature, dance, theatre, visual arts, performance, music, …) to work in residence at the TOPAZ supportive and palliative daycare centre. The artists’ trajectories within the project were as divergent as their artistic profiles and interests. What they shared is that they did not approach the guests (patients) of TOPAZ as ‘material’ or ‘resources’ for an artistic end product but rather as equal partners in a creative dialogue and process.  

The project was not result-oriented, but it did bring forth various artistic co-productions that were presented internationally. 

The artists in residence included Vera Tussing (DE), Christian Bakalov (FR/BUL), Jorge Leon (BE), Michael Schmid (AUS), Emi Kodama (CA/JP), Oracle (Caroline Daish, Justine Maxelon and Michel Yang, AU/DE/US), Naomi Kerkhove (BE), and Rudi Meulemans (BE). 

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Scars of passage

An artistic workshop series looking into the scar tissue of the city of Brussels and its inhabitants